During my job as researcher I participated in series of projects the purpose of which is to develop and implement algorithms which modify triangulated models or handling them in some other ways.
Descriptions of some projects follow.
Quad Remeshing
Participating in developing of an algorithm which obtains input model from general triangulation and output model with triangulation in which triangles easy to groups to quads. In such a way models are prepared for Finite element analysis (FEA) packages.
On the picture below you may take a look to the picture of input model and corresponding output model:

Quad Dominant Remeshing
Participating in developing of an algorithm which obtains input model from general triangulation and outputs model with triangulation in which triangles easy to groups to quads. If quads could not be obtained separate triangles are added to output models. In such a way models are prepared for Finite element analysis (FEA) packages.
On the picture below you may take a look to the picture of input model and corresponding output model:

3D Texturing
The algorithm is for creating relief on the model. User of algorithm specifies input model and input picture and obtain model with relief on output.
There are two principal applications of algorithm: make relief pictures and adding volumetric inscriptions on models.

Significant contribution was also made by Volodymyr Kachurovskyi.
Curves Snapping
In some applications users need to disjoint surfaces by curves. But due to the large scale of model it is possible that user accidentally does not connect curves.
To fill small gaps not easy visible for user between curves the algorithm was developed.

Rib creation
There are cases when we have triangulated models between which small gaps should be filled by triangles to connect them. This may happen when two parts are scanned and should be connected in software. You may take a look to the input and corresponding output on the picture below:

Another application is to fill gaps between curves:

Other projects
I also participated in other projects which were not mentioned above. Among them are functionality of picking objects by user in applications, avoiding almost degenerated triangles which lead to non-smoothness in triangulated models, designed and implemented library which allows to implement algorithms in generic way for different Materialise data structures, and others.
Article about research in Materialise (in Russian): Сюрпризы при 3d-печати.